Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back Pain Vancouver WA Chiropractor Treatment 360-574-5944   If you’ve been wondering if back pain exercises are safe and effective for relieving back pain, you’re not alone! Back pain, especially lower back pain, is one of the most common causes of missed workdays. And since traditional back pain treatment options focus only on alleviating the pain, rather than uncovering and addressing the cause of the pain, back pain tends to return again and again. So using physical therapy or exercises for back pain may seem like a healthier alternative – but is it?


Back Pain Causes

Most back pain stems from discs that have begun to degenerate, pressing on nearby nerves, or joints that attach the vertebrae to one another, which have begun to function incorrectly. These issues can stem from “wear and tear” associated with aging, trauma and various types of stress – including physical stress like poor posture, chemical stress like smoking or eating unhealthfully or emotional stress like anxiety or anger. When these misalignments infringe on areas reserved for the nerves, irritation and inflammation occur, resulting in back pain.


Back Pain Treatment

Regardless of the cause of back pain, traditional medicine tends to approach it in one of these ways:

·         Bed rest

·         Pain relievers or other strong medications

·         Surgery

·         Physical Therapy

Bed rest prolongs the problem and can make back pain worse. Pain relievers mask the symptoms, do nothing about the underlying causes and carry risks of side effects. Surgery is risky and drastic.


Back Pain Exercises

What about physical therapy? Without the risks associated with medication and surgery, back pain exercise would seem like a good alternative, and the idea of strengthening the back muscles is appealing. Unfortunately, there are two things wrong with this notion: first, stronger back muscles don’t do anything to correct the structural misalignments that cause the pain. And second, exercising already stressed and strained structures simply exacerbates the problem.

While moderate exercise is extremely beneficial in maintaining overall health, including back health, it’s not a good approach to safely relieving back pain. But the good news is, there’s another alternative that does safely relieve back pain, with no drugs or surgery. Find out more.

Back Health

Effective back pain relief is possible when you find out specifically what’s going on structurally and address the causes as well as the symptoms.


Chiropractic means back pain relief to millions of delighted patients around the world; in fact, more people seek chiropractic care than any other form of alternative healthcare. That’s due in part to the fact that chiropractic is made up of trusted healthcare professionals with advanced degrees who meet strict state oversight and licensing demands. But it’s also because, quite simply, chiropractic works!

Give chiropractic a try for your back pain – your insurance is likely to cover it, and there’s bound to be a chiropractor conveniently located near you. Just give them a call to schedule an initial consultation.


Don't rely on back pain exercises alone. Call your vancouver wa chiropractor today to get started. All you have to lose is that annoying pain in your back! 



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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Sports and Your Back 360-574-5944  It’s summertime and the days are warmer and longer.  Hopefully, this motivates you to get out and get some additional exercise – softball, baseball, football, basketball, tennis, golf, volleyball, surfing, swimming, or another one of your favorite sports. 

Whatever sport you participate in, preventing summertime sports injuries depends upon being in good condition, or at the least, performing proper stretching/warm-up before participating.  It’s a good idea to develop and maintain a year-round workout routine that includes the stretching and strengthening of your muscles to keep your body and back ready for action.  When your body is not in condition and cannot move easily and safely with adequate range of motion, your back becomes more vulnerable.


Here are some reminders and suggestions for preventing sports injuries.


Understand Your Body’s Condition During the Day

Not all of us can be full-time athletes.  We must work to earn a living.  Working in an office, for example, can put your body at a disadvantage if you sit for long periods of time.  The human body was not designed to be at rest for hours at a time.  Long periods of inactivity can cause the core muscles of the body to weaken.  It is these core muscles that are responsible for supporting your back.  Whether you sit for long periods of time at the office or perform manual labor such as lifting heavy boxes, just turning your body slightly can cause your back to work harder.  Remember to take a break during your working hours to stretch your muscles and rotate your joints to keep your body moving.  Stay aware of your body’s positioning throughout your workday.  Don’t forget to use your hips, knees, and ankles and not let your back take all of the stress.  If necessary, request or hire an ergonomic expert to help you to reduce the stress and strain on your body from working in non-neutral postural positions or those that involve repetitive motions.  Taking care of your back at work will help to minimize injuries when you exercise, work around the house, or play a sport.


Start Slowly


As summer arrives, it is natural for people to increase their level of activity.  If you have not been keeping a regular fitness regime all year, jumping into an activity that puts added force on the body can be harmful.  Start slowly with a conditioning program to prepare your body for action.  Many muscle and joint injuries have occurred because the body was not conditioned for a particular activity.


Vary You Daily Workout Regimen


If you really enjoy a particular sport or exercise that utilizes specific muscles or joints, make sure that you do not forget about the rest of the body.  Exercises that emphasize a particular set of movements can cause an imbalance between muscle groups.  Remember that the body’s muscles and joints are designed to work together as a whole.  If you focus too much on one of muscle groups, the other muscles excluded will become weaker, thus increasing the chance of injury.


Don’t Forget to Take Rest Breaks


Whether you are at work or working out, you should take a break every so often (20-30 minutes) to give your muscles a chance to relax.  This releases unnecessary tension around the joints and helps to prevent injuries.  Giving your joins a temporary break from their work positions will allow you to feel better throughout the day and perform better.  When possible, find a place to lie down with your knees bent and head propped up.  This will help relax your back muscles as well as all of your other joints.


Keep Your Spine Moving


When you sit for long periods of time, the movements of your back are limited mostly to moving forward and back.  Your spine was designed to move in many directions and it is in our best interest that it stays that way.  Don’t forget to rotate and bend your spine in several directions during the day to keep your spine in motion.  Trunk rotations are a great exercise to help you keep your spine healthy – keep the rotations smooth and easy and do not over rotate.


Keep Your Body in Alignment


Remember the song we sang when we were little?  The song that says, “Your hip bone is connected to your leg bone / Your leg bone’s connected to your knee bone,” and so forth.  The body is a complete system of connected parts.  The ends of the bones come together to form the joins.  The muscles work to move the bones.  Tendons hold the joints together.  You couldn’t move a finger without these joints, bones, tendons, and muscles working properly.  We often take the spine for granted and ignore the importance of it until it’s too late.  Your back has 26 movable bones and several joints that allow you to move in several directions.  For your spine to work to the best of its ability, it needs to be in perfect alignment with the other bones and joints.  The muscles around the spine help to hold the bones in place.  If your muscles are working harder than necessary to keep your spine aligned, then you will feel discomfort or pain and not be able to perform your job or favorite sport as well as you would like.

Remember to take time out to keep your spine in alignment.  Yoga and Pilates help with spine alignment.  If you feel that you have sustained an injury to the spine or another joint, see a chiropractor.  In addition to regular exercise, regular chiropractic maintenance adjustments can 
help keep you aligned and in tip-top shape.




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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Using A Chiropractor in Personal Injury Cases 360-574-5944   Chiropractors focus on providing correct physical alignment to maintain health. They treat health problems associated with the body's muscular, nervous and skeletal systems - especially the spine.

Chiropractors focus on providing correct physical alignment to maintain health. They treat health problems associated with the body's muscular, nervous and skeletal systems - especially the spine. According to chiropractic medicine, if the spine is not aligned, or if the muscular or nervous systems become compromised by an accident, a person may experience pain, discomfort or other health concerns. Car accident victims often seek the care of a chiropractor immediately after an accident. Many prefer chiropractic care for whiplash type injuries effecting the neck and spine to other types of treatment.

Chiropractors are often used in the field of personal injury. Soft tissue injuries such as strain and sprain of the ligaments and muscles surrounding the neck, back and spine can be quite debilitating and could take many months to resolve. Chiropractic treatment can be a first line of evaluation and treatment for these types of injuries. Radiographs ordered by a chiropractor can provide important information concerning whether there has been a serious compromise to any of the disks within the bone structure of the spine. If so, chiropractors will refer the patient out to an orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation and treatment.

Chiropractors, unlike orthopedic surgeons, are considered "holistic practitioners", which means they look at the whole body in diagnosing and treating a patient. They also try to help patients avoid disease through preventive care. Chiropractors are not medical doctors and therefore are not licensed to prescribe drugs or perform surgery. However, they do perform diagnostic work as well as treatment. In this regard, they are not unlike physical therapists that work under the instruction of an orthopedic physician.

Chiropractors have the option of earning "diplomate" certification that involves more specialized training. Areas of study include orthopedics, neurology, sports injuries, occupational and industrial health, internal disorders, nutrition and other specialty areas.



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