Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Key Reasons Why to See A Chiropractor

http://www.bridgechiropractic.com/ If you’re turning to alternative care and therapeutic treatments to manage your health, seeing a chiropractor offers many advantages. Chiropractic care’s goal is to improve spinal health in order to reduce pain, encourage the muscles and joints to perform in an optimal state and promote overall health.

A professional chiropractic examination is the first step in learning about why you are experiencing discomfort, pain, or poor health. The chiropractor will examine your spinal column with various tools and x-rays to determine if any spinal bones are not aligned properly. Spinal misalignments are the leading cause of pain and imbalances in the nervous system, and are known as ‘vertebral subluxations’. Vertebral subluxations are often the reason behind back pain, carpal tunnel, allergies, and even headaches.

Whether you’re suffering from knee pain, back pain, or even arthritis, here are the key reasons why you should pursue chiropractic care:

Chiropractic Care to Reduce Back Pain and Sciata

The most common reason people pursue chiropractic care is because of back pain; both lower and upper back pain can be attributed to spinal misalignments, and sciata is the most common. Sciata consists of pain, weakness, and even numbness in the lower back and legs. The chiropractor can work with you to improve posture, build up core muscle strength, and improve spinal health overall.

Chiropractic Care to Reduce Allergies and Headaches?

Vertebral subluxations often lead to allergies and headaches which are connected to the nervous system. When your nervous system is out of balance its cause may be spinal misalignments affecting the signals sent to various parts of the body. Headaches, migraines, and other common ailments are often linked to spinal bones that need adjustments.

Chiropractic Care to Eliminate Fatigue

Fatigue and stress are a problem for many people, and a professional chiropractic examination can determine why your nervous system is out of balance. Good spinal health often results in reduced stress levels and increased energy.

Chiropractic Care to Reduce Joint Pain

Knee pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain, neck pain, and arthritis are all joint problems readily addressed by a chiropractor. These are also linked to spinal misalignments and regular adjustments can help reduce pain and inflammation of these important joints.

Chiropractic Care to Reduce Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Millions of people suffer from fibromyalgia, a disorder that leads to chronic pain, neuropsychiatric problems, excessive fatigue, and cognitive dysfunction. Many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be treated with chiropractic care and treatment often consists of regular adjustments and massage therapy.

Vertebral subluxations are the leading cause of nervous system imbalances and pain in the body and can only be identified by a professional chiropractic examination. Pursuing chiropractic care to improve overall health can be a valuable way to reduce pain and many common ailments. Ongoing adjustments can help restore your body to an optimal state of health.

Source: chiropractorguide.com


Chiropractor Vancouver wa,Vancouver wa chiropractor,chiropractor camas wa,massage Vancouver wa,neck pain Vancouver wa

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Neck and Jaw Pain Relief the Natural Way

http://www.bridgechiropractic.com/ Neck pain is bad enough; throw in jaw pain and it’s like adding insult to injury! Neck and jaw pain frequently appear together because the muscles from the neck run up into the lower jaw. Tightness in either area affects the other, so your jaw pain can literally become a pain in the neck. Find out how millions have found natural relief for both their jaw and neck pain.

Other Jaw and Neck Pain Causes

Actually, most jaw pain doesn’t stem from temporomandibular joint problems; other causes of neck and jaw pain include:

Misaligned neck joint(s)

Disc bulging or degeneration in the neck

Bone spurs in the neck


Stress, whether emotional, physical or chemical, can cause the muscles of the neck to tighten involuntarily. This tension may be localized in the neck, or it may affect other connecting muscles, like those in the shoulders, back or jaw.

Chiropractic is the leading alternative health field in the world, thanks to its natural approach in working with the body’s inherent healing capabilities. Highly educated, specially trained chiropractic doctors are skilled in addressing the underlying causes of symptoms, rather than looking only at the symptoms. When the cause of your neck and jaw pain is corrected, the symptoms are relieved – often permanently.

It’s up to you: You can live with the pain in your neck and jaw, or you can take action today to relieve it once and for all by calling your Vancouver, WA Chiropractor. Make the call!


Most jaw pain is muscle-related and exacerbated by stress. For some people, the temporomandibular joint itself may be compromised, resulting in a locked jaw, clicking sounds in the joint, difficulty chewing, earaches and dizziness


Source: choosenatural.com


Chiropractor Vancouver wa,Vancouver wa chiropractor,chiropractor camas wa,massage Vancouver wa,neck pain Vancouver wa



Monday, August 8, 2011

Can Chiropractic Treatment Eliminate Balance Problems?

http://www.bridgechiropractic.com/ Managing and preserving body position while remaining still or mobile is the principal function of good balance. Good balance helps a person to walk without wobbling, arise from a sitting position without slipping, and to climb stairs without stumbling.


Approximately 9 percent of adults, age 65 and older, report having difficulties with balance. Good balance is vital in aiding an older person to stay independent, and perform daily chores and activities. Dizziness, “wooziness,” and problems with balance are encountered by a large majority individuals as they age.

The label, vertigo, applies to the feeling that a number of people have that they, themselves, or their environment is spinning. About 40 percent of Americans will experience dizziness that is severe enough to go seek out a health professional. And, among older adults, falls are the leading cause of serious injury and deaths.


Balance and Inner Ear Problems

Three types of balance disorders that are most familiar are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, labyrinthitis, and Meniere’s disease, but there are a variety of other kinds of balance disorders. Of these three, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the most widespread. Its symptoms encompass a brief, intense experience of vertigo with a change in head position, when rolling over to the left or right in bed or when getting out of bed, or when looking up for an object on a high shelf. This problem is more disposed in people 60 and older, but it can also occur in younger individuals.


The reasons for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are varied. It may be produced by an inner ear infection, head injury, or simply aging. Whereas it can be linked to other disease processes, frequently a simple Epleys procedure can fix the problem. Your Vancouver, WA Chiropractor has many years of experience in this procedure.


Labyrinthitis is an infection or agitation of the inner ear that produces dizziness and loss of balance. It affects adults of any age and the cause is currently undiscovered.


Ménière’s disease is a balance disorder that creates vertigo, hearing loss that comes and goes, tinnitus (ringing or roaring in the ears), and a “full feeling” in the ear.


Age is not the only reason these conditions take place, but older individuals are more likely to encounter balance disorders. Depending on the cause of the balance disorder, care will vary. Sometimes, there’s a simple answer to balance disorders, such as simple exercises for vestibular rehab. A chiropractor is well-educated in assessing and treating a number of balance problems. Consult a health care professional, such as your Vancouver, WA Chiropractor, if you have encountered, or are currently experiencing, dizziness, vertigo, or other challenges with balance.


Not every balance disorders are created by complications in the inner ear. Some may involve other regions of the body like the brain or heart. Head injury, stroke, certain medicines, circulation problems, upper respiratory infections and other viral infections, stress, fatigue, smoking, alcohol use,  high or low blood pressure, and heart disease are all influences that, along with aging and ear infection, may produce balance disorders.


Balance disorders produced by high blood pressure can generally be managed by less sodium intake, sustaining a healthy weight, and exercise. To assist in making the symptoms of dizziness less intense, frequently eating low-salt or salt-free foods, and staying away from caffeine and alcohol, will help.

Balance disorders are significant. It is the number one cause of falls and fall-related injuries in older people. It is essential to have a suspected balance disorder accessed and treated as soon as possible.


If you can answer “yes” to any of the following questions, you should discuss the symptom(s) with your chiropractor:

• Do you have the feeling of being “unsteady?”

• Does the room seem to spin around you?

• Is there ever a time when you feel as if you are moving when you know you are standing still?

• Do you lose your balance and/or fall?

• Do you feel as if you are falling?

• Does your vision ever become “blurred?”

• Do you ever feel disoriented, or lose a sense of time, place or identify?


Don’t wait until it’s too late! Call our Vancouver, WA Chiropractic office today.


Chiropractor Vancouver wa,Vancouver wa chiropractor,chiropractor camas wa,massage Vancouver wa,neck pain Vancouver wa

Friday, August 5, 2011

Get Natural Relief from Migraine Headaches

http://www.bridgechiropractic.com/ Migraine symptoms are those pounding, throbbing, stabs of pain that make loud noises unbearable and bright sunshine excruciating. Learn how more and more people are getting migraine relief from their migraine symptoms by using an all-natural approach that avoids drugs and their side effects.

Migraine Headache Management

For migraine headache sufferers, which are three times more likely to be female than male, the traditional migraine treatment options have been somewhat limited:

• Learn to live with it
• Bed rest in a dark room
• Over-the-counter drugs
• Migraine medications

While convenient, drugs numb your entire body to stop you from feeling the symptoms of a migraine. Side effects are common, such as kidney problems, liver damage or worse. Not to mention that migraine medications don’t address the underlying cause of your migraines.

Want a natural solution? Read on!

Underlying Cause of Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches can be triggered from something we eat, such as chocolate, preservatives such as sulfites or flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate (MSG). And while rare, migraines can also be warning signs of various diseases.

Yet, many overlook one of the most common cause of migraines and many other types of headaches. Imagine a migraine solution that is safe, natural, enjoys a high success rate and has zero side effects.

Migraines From Structural Causes

A common cause of migraine headaches is from the moving bones of your neck. If spinal bones in the neck aren’t supporting your head properly, you might notice that you can’t fully rotate your head in one direction or the other. Or it’s uncomfortable to turn all the way to the right or the left. A malpositioned bone here, even if only slightly out of place, can affect nearby nerves, muscles and even the blood supply to your head. The result? Migraine headaches, cluster headaches and tension headaches. But there’s a simple solution.

Choose Natural Before Resorting to Drugs

These days, chiropractors are so successful with migraines, relief is practically routine. If you’ve tried chiropractic in the past, consider this. And if the idea of consulting a chiropractor for headaches is new to you, learn more.

Chiropractic is the world’s largest, most popular, alternative health care discipline. Chiropractic care is delivered by highly educated professionals who are licensed in every state, recognized by the federal government and most insurance companies.


Chiropractor Vancouver wa,Vancouver wa chiropractor,chiropractor camas wa,massage Vancouver wa,neck pain Vancouver wa

Monday, August 1, 2011

How is Bridge Chiropractic In Vancouver WA Different?

http://www.bridgechiropractic.com/ 360-574-5944 What makes Bridge Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Vancouver WA different than other chiropractic clinics?

vancouver-wa-chiropractor-how-different.mov Watch on Posterous

Vancouver WA Chiropractor Dr. Paul Reed's practice focuses on the areas of chiropractic treatments (lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, spine pain, sciatic nerve pain )and family wellness. His passion is to share the powerful effects of chiropractic care and wellness.

Chiropractor Vancouver wa,Vancouver wa chiropractor,chiropractor camas wa,massage Vancouver wa,neck pain Vancouver wa