Monday, June 29, 2009

Chiropractic warriors today I want to talk about sacrifice. Our world is filled with convenience. Cell phones, TV’s, cars, homes, all the STUFF of the world. These things make it so easy for us to get caught up and complacent. “FAT COW SYNDROME” For you non-farm raised folks; the FAT COW is exactly that. This happens thru continuous habits. Cattle show up the same place and same time everyday to get fed. This easy life is eventually their demise. See this same place they show up to get fed is exactly where they are loaded into trucks and led not fed to the slaughterhouse. Moral of the story, what habits are you doing that are moving you further away from the prize and closer to your demise? We all know the wide road leads to destruction, but yet this is the one most of us walk daily, unwilling to dye to the flesh and go against the grain. See, we are called to be in the world not of the world and to make sacrifices daily. Sacrifices for Christ, your spouse, kids, team, patients and yourself. Constantly dying to the flesh removing our husk and becoming more Christ like.

What inspired this writing is this week I had a patient that seemed upset. I simply asked, Brock is everything ok? He said I am just a little shaken because I just found out that a missionary friend of mine was killed yesterday in West Africa. “A hostage attempt gone bad.” He lived the ultimate sacrifice, dying for what he believed in. John 10:11 “I am the good Shepard; the good Shepard giveth his life for the sheep.”

Brothers and sisters we need not forget why we are here and exactly how easy we have it. Live the life worthy of your calling! Don’t look back, do everything everyday in your power to become the warrior Christ created you to be. GOD-FAMILY-CHIROPRACTIC.

Gods Best, Dr Paul

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