Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Healthy eating year round for head-to-toe beauty

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(ARA) - From award shows to a simple coffee run, movie and television stars are known for looking photo-ready at any moment. While their appearances may seem difficult to maintain, experts behind the scenes say achieving head-to-toe beauty simply starts with the foods we eat.

Carrie Latt Wiatt, nutrition consultant to Hollywood's elite and author of "Eating by Design: The Individualized Food Personality Type Nutrition Plan" and "Portion Savvy," works daily with celebrities like Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson and other red carpet beauties to ensure their bodies are always ready for high-profile events.

"You can work toward desired health and beauty goals by following a balanced and portion-controlled eating regimen that can be maintained year round," says Wiatt. "A healthy diet can help keep skin looking more youthful, hair more vibrant and waistlines trimmer. No matter the occasion, following this approach offers long-term success."

With so many glamorous events, such as weddings, vacations and dates, dotting the calendar each year, a long-range view on beauty is especially important. One in three women begin to prepare for moments like these a month or more in advance, according to a new poll by the Florida Department of Citrus.

Wiatt fully understands how strongly women feel about looking their best at key moments and says the tips she shares with her clients are the same she would share with others.

"The first thing I tell my clients is to keep a food journal to identify and eliminate diet de-railing habits, such as late-night snacking, sugar addictions or baked goods at the office," says Wiatt.

With increased awareness of daily food consumption, Wiatt then works to integrate the following healthy lifestyle habits into daily regimens:

* Fill up on fiber. Dietary fiber can help keep you feeling full for longer. An entire medium grapefruit has 4 grams of dietary fiber, some of which is soluble fiber (pectin), which helps support healthy cholesterol levels. Enjoy half a grapefruit for breakfast and another half after your evening workout.

* Prepare your portions. Be mindful of portions by downsizing dishes at home. Measure correct portions the first time, so you have a visual blueprint in your mind.

* Shake up snack time. Eating well is all about flavor, texture and variety. For an energizing afternoon snack, try pairing a fruit or vegetable you love with a serving of walnuts to add protein, omega-3 fatty acids and a satisfying crunch.

* Eat your way to great skin. Your overall diet and health regimen may contribute to smooth, supple skin. The vitamin C found in Florida grapefruit and 100 percent grapefruit juice supports collagen production to help keep skin looking youthful, glowing and picture-perfect ready for whatever the day throws your way. Collagen breakdown in the skin may contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

* Eat smarter. To regulate caloric intake, practice mindful eating instead of automatic eating. First, consult your brain: are you feeling hunger or boredom? Second, wait five to 10 minutes after experiencing diet-derailing cravings to see if they pass. Finally, when its mealtime, take your time and monitor for satiety - then stop when you are satisfied.

"The results of a balanced diet can be rewarding - especially when you reach a point where you're no longer afraid to reach into the closet, try on a favorite outfit and know you'll be ready for those planned or spontaneous special moments," Wiatt adds.

Visit www.GoFloridaGrapefruit.com for more healthy lifestyle tips and delicious recipes featuring nutrient-rich grapefruit.

Bridge Chiropractic, PC
13712 NE 20th Ave
Vancouver, WA 98686

Phone: 360-574-5944

Bridge Chiropractic, PC
605 SE 164th Ave.
Vancouver, 98684

Phone: 360-567-1205
Toll Free: 866-DRPAUL1 (866-377-2851)
E-mail: drpaul@bridgechiropractic.com

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