Monday, November 14, 2011

Getting Chiropractic Adjustments during Pregnancy

chiropractic care for pregnant women

Many pregnant women experience back pain. Some experience it just towards the end of the pregnancy as their belly gets large with the growing baby while others experience it during the entire pregnancy. Many don't realize, however, that this pain can be minimized by getting adjusted by a chiropractor.

Chiropractic care is perfectly safe for both the pregnant woman and her fetus. In fact, the risks in being adjusted are the same for pregnant women as they are for anyone else seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractors versed in the art of adjusting a pregnant woman have tables that can be moved around so that even when the woman is on her chest, there is no pressure put on the belly. It's actually nice for most pregnant women because this is one of the few times during her pregnancy that she can lay like this.

Adjustments not only help with back pain; they can also help make sure the body is in alignment, which will make delivery easier as well. For women who have babies that are breech, being adjusted can also help turn the child so he or she is in the right position for delivery. The techniques used are 97 percent affective for turning the baby, which is a real benefit to the pregnant mother and make delivery easier, decreasing the chances of needed a cesarean section.

Any relief is welcome during a pregnancy; pregnant women need all the help they can get to find relief and increase the chances of a successful delivery.

For more information contact your local Vancouver Chiropractic Care Center



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